Patch Notes: December 21st, 2022
Patch Notes: December 21st, 2022

Patch Notes: December 21st, 2022

December 20, 2022


After much deliberation, the team has decided to not make any more changes to balance for Mortal Judgement. Marking the balance for Mortal Judgement locked as of tomorrow, December 22nd.

Otherwise, bugs! We're here to squash some bugs before the end of the year and these are the ones that are being fixed below.


  • Merry Kadmos/Frozen Rest: Picking a child card is no longer counted as playing a card.
  • Merry Kadmos/Frozen Rest: Child cards cannot target Hidden creatures anymore.
  • An invisible card is no longer added to the opponent’s hand when a child card of a Pick One/Ability is auto-selected.
  • False Peace: Can no longer bypass Ward.
  • Thawed Heart: Now correctly obliterates the opponent's void when there are no creatures in it.

    Thanks for reading, and hope you have the happiest of Holidays!