Patch Notes – 0.77
Patch Notes – 0.77

Patch Notes – 0.77

November 29, 2022

Mortals! It's time for our weekly patch. This patch happens at 4PM PST on Tuesday, November 29th with minimal downtime! Please keep an eye out for the launcher update when this happens!

Here are our player facing updates today:

  • Player's Deck tooltip number was missing after playing a card during a turn. Tooltip for number of cards in player's deck should be now be visible 
  • Tutorial mission 3: Mana pip was grayed out if players clicked settings button at the start of the mission is now addressed 
  • Tutorial mission 3: Both player's decks were missing in missions. Players should see decks for the player and AI now
  • Invisible cards getting stuck in the middle of the board after playing cards with summon effects (Shieldmaiden Scout, Orfeo Champion of deception) 
  • Missing VFX: VFX around the board when activating frenzied was missing and is now added.

    If you have any bugs that you'd like to report please send them over either on Discord or Reddit so we can get further visibility on it!

    Otherwise, please check our Gods Unchained Bug Board for updates!