Legend of The Fallen Age
Legend of The Fallen Age

Legend of The Fallen Age

March 5, 2025
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Win a curated experience to create your own Mythic card with the Gods Unchained team! Collect the full Fallen Age expansion to enter!

Did you think that was all? Mortals, the Fallen Age expansion continues with a brand new reward!   Collect the full set of Fallen Age for a chance to win an exclusive 1/1 mythic (NOT VARIANT) card which you’ll be part of the design experience!

Starting today! Scroll down to learn more!

Full Fallen Age Set Collection: Win your very own custom Mythic!

Mortals, amongst you all there is one who shall be named “Legend of The Fallen Age.” That who owns this title will be immortalised into the books of Gods Unchained, marking their imprint forever in The Fallen Age. 

This is a rare opportunity! Have a mythic (mythic, not variant) created exclusively for you, and be involved in the design experience with the Gods Unchained Design Team

The Legend of The Fallen Age (TLOTFA) is a Mortal that has adventured alongside Francesca and Giramonte in a post-dread Faenar. This journey has not been for the faint-of-heart. Amongst the Survivors, TLOTFA has proven themselves worthy above all others. Their passion and determination has helped our allies rally together in preparation to raid the Sanctums and restore balance to a withering land.

How to become “TLOTFA”

There can only be one TLOTFA. To win this title, players must

  • Collect the full set of Fallen Age cards 
  • Players will earn the following number of tickets per full collection of cards, depending on shine and pack purchases from the Sale Only (Battle Pass packs not included).
    • Set Completion 
      • Full Set Meteorite (or higher): 10
      • Full Set Shadow (or higher): 60
      • Full Set Gold (or higher): 375
      • Legendaries Set Diamond: 500
      • Variant: 1000 (Bonus 1000 for having 1)
        • i.e User who has a full Shadow+ Collection and 1 Mythic gets 1060 tickets
        • Misprints are not eligible for tickets

  • Pack Purchases (Users who purchased Premium or Shiny packs before announcement get 10% bonus tickets for those purchases. Purchases after announcement receive tickets as indicated below)
    • Shiny Pack x1: 750(825 if purchased before announcement)
    • Premium Pack x1: 50 (55 if purchased before announcement)
    • Basic Pack x1: 4 (No bonus)

End date: Set end + snapshot to be taken on 18th of March 2025.

The Collaborative Process with our Designers

  • The winner will be invited to a private discord channel with GU team members where they can collaboratively work on a card design. Over the course of four weeks they’ll work together with the GU team to bring their concept to life.
  • No ideas are off the table, and the GU team will work to make the proposed card text feasible and balanced. However the card must be within the limits of the current GU engine.
  • Artist Selection
    • The player will be able to decide if they prefer to use the current Mythic Variant style or traditional painted style. Depending on their preference, we will approach artists and select based on availability.
  •  Brainstorming
    • The player will be guided to design an identity within Fallen Age, gathering a selection of visual references.
    • Criteria will include domain or tribe preference, how playstyle transfers to personality, physical features, posing and setting.
  • Art Description
    • Based on the player’s references and direction, we will develop an art description which will be distributed to an artist.
  • Sketch Phase
    • The artist will return a selection of sketch thumbnails and the player will be invited to select their favourite composition.
    • This review phase will be open for up to 5 business days.
  • Colour Phase (If colour illustration)
    • The artist will return a colour sketch. The player will be invited to provide feedback.
    • This final review phase will be open for 2 business days.
  • Polish Phase
    • The artist will proceed to final polish and deliver the illustration.
  • Card Name
    • The player will be guided to create a name for their Mythic that aligns with the Fallen Age theme and follows Mythic naming conventions.
  • Lore
    • The player will be able to provide input on the general direction of the card’s flavor text. We will then develop a short paragraph that places the Mythic character within the world of Fallen Age.


 Redraw Terms of Service 

TLOTFA doesn’t wait around, so neither should you! Once we have announced the winner, there will be a 2 week window to claim your prize. Should the winner not claim their prize within this time frame, they will automatically forfeit their win, and it will be at our discretion to redraw.

A reminder for all players to check our Discord and Twitter for notifications.