July Patch Notes - 0.62
July Patch Notes - 0.62

July Patch Notes - 0.62

July 19, 2022

Hi Mortals, 

Patch notes time is here again, and because we’ve got some balance changes here, we’ve got a slightly more extensive list ready for you to read ahead of the update. A reminder that you can follow our Known Issues Tracker for an update on where bugs are at, what we’re focusing on, and what we need your help to reproduce. Read on for what this week has in store!

New in this patch

Bug Fixes:

  • Starshard Bolt: we’ve fixed instances of the game getting stuck after playing a target spell that is moved to another zone (Starshard Bolt being an example of this)
  • Card overlaps: we’ve fixed several bugs causing issues with aim enlarged cards, hand cards, and deck/void counts. 
  • Trial of the False Reflection: 2nd effect now works.
  • The copy of a creature that is being taken control of for 1 turn no longer swaps to the opponent’s side at the end of the turn. This fix has been applied to Portal Wrangler, Endow Wings, Patient Pickpocket, Reconnaissance, Clone, Pickpocket.
  • Unproven Incantation: The second effect that deals damage to the enemy god now correctly gains spellboost.
  • Triage Necromancer: Summoning a creature from the void that was destroyed by Burn no longer turns invisible on the board.
  • Auto delve selections made by reconnection are now correctly added to the right side of the hand.
  • Disappearing cards: a disconnect at the card draw stage was occasionally causing cards to disappear. This has now been remedied.

Other additions:

  • We’ve made improvements to the loading screens that include character placements, text layout, and new copy
  • Keyword icon art: we’ve added art for the keywords Pick, Delve, Strongest, Weakest, Refresh, Twinstrike and Frenzied
  • UI improvements: we’ve made some styling, graphics, and button/popup interface improvements across the board. Polishing up them pixels.

Balance Changes:

We’re continuing to slow down the meta and tune down powerful singles while paying attention to the broader meta to ensure it slows down a little in the longer term. And last but not least, we’ve attempted to give some more love to some underutilized cards.


  • Helmna, The Spear of Life - Stats changed
  • Change stats from 2/9 to 2/8
  • Helmna interacts really well with healing, so we are giving her a little tweak here in anticipation of future card pools.
  • Choralis Rune Moth - Stats changed
  • Change stats from 1/3 to 0/3
  • Choralis is a very unique card whereby the intention is to generate value. The aim in adjusting its strength here is to keep it to its role, rather than allowing it to do other things like gain favor.
  • Humble Benefactor- Stats Changed
  • Change stats from 2/1 to 1/1
  • This one aims to still have this one playable but less able to snowball in the early game.
  • Spellslinging Schoolteacher- Mana cost increase
  • Change mana cost from 1 to 2
  • Spellslinging Schoolteacher is one of the most discussed cards in the past months, and we agree with community feedback that it was just too oppressive; hence this nerf.


  • Unlikely Pact - Mana cost decrease
  • Change mana from 3 to 2
  • Unlikely Pact hasn’t seen love for a long time now - we’ve chosen to buff it to open up some more possible play scenarios - the hope is that it might see some more casual play now. 
  • Silkspite - Stats increased
  • Change stats to 3/3 to 3/4
  • Spiders in Australia are usually bigger.
  • Hawkish Sculpture - Stats increased
  • Change stats to 3/2 to 2/4
  • This is another card that was collecting dust, so we’ve opted to boost its survivability to allow it to have some more playtime.

And that’s all for this week! As always, we welcome your thoughts and appreciate your bug reports. We’re delighted with the number of fixes we’ve been able to implement in the past few months, and we hope you see the difference too.