DPE Restructuring - A  Breakdown
DPE Restructuring - A  Breakdown

DPE Restructuring - A Breakdown

August 31, 2024

Hey Mortals,

With the release of Formats and their new DPE modifiers, we wanted to make a tweak to how we calculate DPE rewards. If you don’t know how we calculate DPE, our new definitive DPE article should provide more clarity, but we’re making three changes to modernize the system.

First, when it comes to the Deck Modifier equation, Mythics are now worth 250, up from 125. They're the rarest cards out there, and deserve to be valued as such.

Second, players will not start earning Fragments until they reach Rank 7. We’re doing this for two reasons: 1) to curb rampant botting at lower ranks, and 2) to reward our most active and dedicated players. Calculations have been modified and so less total shards will be awarded - rewards though are expected to be consistent and maintained.

Third, the Rank Modifiers have been tweaked to reflect this:

  • Rank 1-6 = 0
  • Rank 7 = .12
  • Rank 8 = .25
  • Rank 9 = .48
  • Rank 10 = .74
  • Rank 11 = .90
  • Rank 12 = 1.0

If you’re looking to maximize your DPE Fragments, you’ll want to play to your highest rank, as for the most part, average wins in a higher rank will net you more Fragments than more wins in a lower rank. Now imagine you're cleaning up in Formats and getting that sweet Formats modifier too? Fragments everywhere!

God luck min-maxing your DPE Mortals!