Announcing the 'Council of Mortals'
Announcing the 'Council of Mortals'

Announcing the 'Council of Mortals'

July 1, 2022
Get your nominations in before 12th July 2022!

Hi mortals, it’s Kindofsquishy! Extremely excited to be able to announce that the first iteration of Council of Mortals is ready to be released into the world. Read on for more information, and what the next steps are for everybody.

As part of our broader New Chapter plan, we took a look at what you, the community, were feeling and what issues you saw as the most important. If you haven’t already checked out our Player Insights Report, it’s a really great window into what you feel as a collective group. A big takeaway from this report was that a lot of you felt that you needed to see more transparency from us, both in the sense of what we’re working on and also what we’re building towards. Internally, we’ve been working in overdrive to align the teams, get consensus on direction based on your feedback, and start building for the future in a real and long-term way. Some things that we’ve been focusing on:

  • A roadmap that shows the journey we’ve been on so far, and where we’re headed - breaking down not just what’s coming, but why. We feel this is really important to both get you along for the ride and be better at communicating what the vision looks like, but also so that you can see the same bigger picture that we do when we are working on certain features. This is really close to being ready to show… stay tuned.
  • A regular dev update that speaks to what we’re currently working on 
  • A regular update on the economy as a whole, including token circulation updates. More to come on this one soon.
  • More frequent Dev Deep Dives, AMAs, and interaction in general

With that in mind, we are excited to kick off the pilot for Council of Mortals, with voting starting July 12. We feel that this will be a huge pillar in our overall aim of improving communication with you all across the board. We have opened up the Discord channel for nominations now - so read on to understand the criteria, and then get started with your nominations!

The Role of the Council

Simply put, the role of a Council of Mortals member is to represent mortal interests along the journey of Gods Unchained’s growth. What that means in real speak is a few things. Firstly, providing feedback that is representative of player interests as much as is feasible - while acting as a conduit between the Gods Unchained team and the wider community. They will also be responsible for helping to create harmony - both through guiding dev decisions to ensure they’re aligned with the wishes of the community, but also through being role models who help us build the most passionate and positive community in Web3 gaming.

Council Makeup

The Council will be made up of four different categories known as Seats. Each seat represents different interests and categories that make up the Gods Unchained community. Seats will be held for a six-month term, with a maximum of two consecutive terms to be served at one time. A Council Member can only be elected to one Seat at a time, meaning that in the case that someone is eligible to be elected to multiple seats, they would be able to choose which seat they occupy.

Seat of the Arena - four seats open: This one will be open to the best of the best - the most skilled players in our community who know what it takes to play Gods Unchained at an elite level. We will be offering this Seat to the top four players who have consistently excelled (i.e placed the highest on average for a six-month period prior to their election). They must have not only demonstrated exceptional gameplay, but they also must be an exemplar of sportsmanship - any player that has ranked highly but has committed any in-game or in-community infractions within the past 12 months will not be eligible for this Seat. 

Seat of the Curators - three seats open: For those who have the ultimate collection and have a deep understanding of the token economy - we have the Seat of the Curators. Two with the biggest collections will be eligible for these seats, and we’ll be looking at collections held in IMX wallets connected to Gods Unchained. Another seat will be intended to represent those who are the most involved with and connected to the Gods Unchained economy as a whole and will represent the interests of the token economy as well as the game economy itself. 

Seat of the Illuminary - four seats open: The muse, the creator, the thespian shining a spotlight on the game of Gods Unchained and the broader community as a whole. This Seat will be split between metric-based eligibility (top concurrents/average views on content over a six-month period prior to election), and popular vote eligibility - so if you know a smaller content creator who you feel deserves a seat here or someone who creates content that isn’t on Twitch or Youtube, you can still nominate them for a Seat. There will be four Seats in total that fit this category. 

Seat of the Favored - four seats open: This is the people’s champion Seat. The only prerequisite here is that you are an upstanding community member. Someone who is constantly helping newcomers, someone who has passionate thoughts about how to make the game better. Whatever the reason, this category is for open nomination and we’re excited to read all the passionate and kind words you say about each other.


This is where it gets important! You will not be able to nominate yourself. Someone will need to vouch for you, and that person needs to either hold a status role in the Discord, or be seconded by another community member by way of emote upvote (or in Reddit’s case, be upvoted to the top of our Reddit Council of Mortals Nominations thread - see here for the link). A nomination should include a tag to the player nominated, an indication of what seat you’re nominating them for (Illuminary, Curator or Favored), and a reason as to why.

Imagine this post has like 300 upvotes because Eclipse is the best!

We will then go through the nominations channel and tally up the most upvoted, seconded, and overall supported nominations and bring the top 20 to a general election-style vote. We will not put up nominees for the general election before first ensuring we have their consent to do so and the agreement they will be capable and willing to uphold the duties of the Seat.


On the 12th of July, we will be conducting voting over a 72-hour period. Voting will open at 7pm PST, and close at the same time on the 15th. Those who are eligible for a non voted Seat will be advised of their eligibility prior to that point so they can determine whether to drop out of the general election and hold their eligible Seat instead. 

Here’s a play-by-play on how it will work:

  1. Nominations will be gathered by our team, and we’ll post the top nominations for each Seat into the voting channel on Discord. 
  2. All Discord members who have passed our verification will be eligible to vote. You can vote for more than one person for the Seat if you so wish. You will vote by emote reacting against the relevant post that GU Staff put into the channel for that specific person (we will be including a summary of their nomination descriptions to help those who may not know each individual member)

We’ll tally up all the votes and announce the community members who have been elected to Seats by the end of the 18th of July. Once each Seat formally accepts, the Council will then be officially formed.

What happens next

Once the council is formed, the first step will be to form the first Agenda - a list of discussion points generated by both the Council and the GU team. Meetings will be held monthly on the 28th of each month at 9AM AEST (this is the Australian timezone, meaning that throughout the year this time will shift for other timezones, but currently stands at 12am BST on the 28th/4pm PDT on the 27th each month). The agenda will be shared at a time agreed upon by all council members and the meetings themselves will be able to listen in as they’ll be conducted over Discord Stages. 

Elected Council members are expected to fulfil their duties according to a Code of Conduct, which will be provided before we start the voting process. In recognition of their ongoing efforts and to enable their activities to engage within the community, each Council member will receive a monthly allocation of 300 $GODS as a gesture of appreciation and reward for their contribution.

We’ll look to continually improve the mechanics around the voting process, number of Seats, overall flow, and ways of working here. This is the first iteration of the Council, and we view it as a pilot program that is a significant step towards building the biggest and most constructive community hand in hand with you all. In the future, we see this as a platform that token governance builds off, and we look forward to collaborating with the community in bringing that to life. I’m so grateful to be a part of this journey, and I’m very excited to see what the future holds for all of us together.